So many things happened this year and I thought Christmas is out of the line.
We had heavy lockdowns every state, Covid 19 new virus is kept coming (still new one available called “Omicron”), we depressed, could not see the ends.
Could not travel more than 5 km, could not visit family member or friends.
And one stage government were pushy to us to stay home all the time.
I laughed good old NSW Premier said, “You cannot have a chat with your friend at supermarket, you can’t blouse the items, just purchase whatever you need then leave quickly.”
Hahaha who is going to listen to that.

Then NSW opened on 11th of October.
It was game changer!
People are happier, stress-free, want to spend money.
It felt like we were in the bird cage for little while.
Little by little we were back to normal.
But I was sceptical little while, it might get back to lockdown again.
It was my over thinking.
Now NSW opened for 7 weeks and bit.
Things are getting relaxed everywhere.

We had nearly 4-month lockdown (Victoria had more).
4 months of the year has gone with lockdown.
Before the pandemic, we all say, “Oh my god it is already Christmas time flies.”
That fraise we use every year when December hit.
But this year “Thanks god Christmas is coming! “
Every year I make a little new year resolution for myself, and end of the year I quote myself.
Did I achieve the goal for this year, or did I do well?
But this year,
I do not even remember what my new year resolution was.
Year 2021 started with pandemic and nearly finishing without noticing what has happened or what did I do.
Since lock down started (now it is finished) almost every day I was frustrated about uncertain future.
I was trying to cheer myself up a bit by bit.
Now festive season is coming I was surprised Christmas is on the menu this year.
Any way Have a great Christmas everyone.
Forget about miserable 2021.
2022 is on the way!
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