Have you noticed?
Since lockdown lifted late last year, every single things are low key.
I am talking about Sydney only by the way.
Lockdown lifted on October 15, 2021.
The day lockdown lifted, most of the people are so excited, even the hairdressers or pubs are open on 12am on that day.
Bubblies were cracked open to celebrate to be free again.
Then that was it.
Life is not back to normal like before the pandemic.

After Sydney opened in October, we had so many occasions for excitement.
Christmas came, Boxing Day sale went.
Then New Year’s Eve celebration. Okay because we still had a new Covid variant called Omicron.
But I think it is still low vibe.
Coming into year 2022, Australia day was kind of quiet, Chinese lunar new year celebration was not exciting. Normally that day (Chinese New Year) restaurant is packed, A lots of events regarding to lunar new year.
Then Valentine’s Day was not rally noticeable.
What is going on?
Or is that only me thinking negative way?
Also, lots of my friends were sick early this year with omicron or virus.
I could not enjoy my birthday coz most of friends are isolated with covid.
On last month we had so much rain!
Our wooden front door is so swollen from moisture and not easy to open the door every morning.
Sorry I am little pessimistic today.
Well Still Easter and Mothe’s day are on the way.
Hopefully that brings us back high? Key.
Well, what do you think or how do you feel?
Are thinking same way as I am?
This month birthstone is Aquamarine.
Will bring you Happiness and everlasting youth.
Ahh that probably I need to wear this beautiful icy blue Aquamarine.

See you next month with happy cheerful tone.
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